Open Studios
Groundswell connects people and creates a sense of community out in the world where we make our murals. The Groundswell Open Studios is a workshop series geared for artists that includes professional development and figure model sessions. This series was developed to strengthen the work we do out in the world by supporting it from within through free creative and professional development workshops.
The Groundswell Open Studios occur monthly, and are free and open to the public.
The Open Studios consist of a variety of programs and events, including: professional development workshops facilitated by experts in the field and focused on problems faced by those in creative fields; figure drawing sessions with live models; peer-to-peer art critiques for works-in-progress of both personal and professional projects; and collaborations and meet-ups with other arts professionals from organizations with aligned missions.
(Oct 13, 2017) Open Studios: Writing your Artist Statement
Join us at Groundswell Studio on Friday, October 13th for a workshop lead by facilitator Michelle Levy to help guide you through the process of creating your best statement yet, and learn how words can make your art look better.