Groundswell Artist
Tanya Linn Albrigtsen-Frable
Artwork contributor
Project | 2012
Education is our Right and It’s All in How You Play Your Cards
Education Is Our Right focuses on an individuals right to higher learning. A mural team of students from Park Slope Collegiate High School investigated individual and societal perspectives on higher education. -
Project | 2012
Here Goes Something (Part 1)
"Here Goes Something celebrates the rich and vibrant history of the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The mural was created by 19 fourth and fifth grade students from PS 307. -
Project | 2010
Connectivity Continued
A group of eight young women worked with professional artists Crystal Bruno and Tanya Albrigtsen-Frable to create a colorful mural at the front entrance of PS 506 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. -
Project | 2011
Transforming Your Transit Into Tranquility
Transforming Your Transit Into Tranquility was created in partnership with the New York City Department of Transportation. It complements a Groundswell project from 2009, entitled “Worker Bees;” together, the two artworks beautify both sides of a traffic barrier in Downtown Brooklyn. -
Project | 2011
Love Should Always Be Safe
Young women participating in Groundswells Voices Herd Visionaries program created a unique public art campaign in partnership with Day ONE to raise awareness of teen dating violence among their peers. -
Project | 2011
Communidad Global, Global Community
Communidad Global, Global Community was created by third and fourth grade students to celebrate the diversity of the PS 24 school community. -
Project | 2013
Women in the Park
For Women in the Park, a group of six young women from Lehman High School worked with Montefiore Medical Center to create a panel that would explore womens empowerment in health. The stude... -
Project | 2013
Kaleidoscope Dream
Kaleidoscope Dream is a series of eight murals that honor the new industries and accompanying workforce that have revitalized the Brooklyn Navy Yard, including film, green manufacturing, farm... -
Project | 2012
Here Goes Something (Part 2)
Here Goes Something uncovers the rich hidden history of the Brooklyn Navy Yard and engages passersby in the thriving activity taking place today.