A Vision of Growth
Community Partners
As part of Groundswells Summer Leadership Institute (SLI) 2008, artists Alex Pimienta and Jessica Poplawski worked with a team of youth to create a colorful mural celebrating the people, changing communities, and future of Coney Island. The mural features images of Coney Island landmarks surrounded by the richness and diversity of the community. The boardwalk and shore make up the right half of the piece, signifying the importance of the geographical location to Coney Islands vitality. Street signs read welcome and note important street names near the beach. There is a child playing and a mother in traditional clothes carrying her child. Two boys play basketball while an artist paints the local sights and a couple enjoys a quiet moment. Finally, a scene depicts a child studying science. This signifies the Coney Island of the future, when children of the neighborhood will grow to be tomorrows leaders.