
Showing 4 of 4 results
  • Coney Island Rising Up

    Coney Island Rising Up was created as part of Recovery Diaspora, a collaborative citywide public art installation created by Swoon, together with youth from Red Hook, Coney Island, Staten Isl...

  • Coney Island Aquarium Mural

    "Coney Island Aquarium Mural" adds even more color and life to the New York Aquarium. It is a large-scale mural created by a youth group from the South Brooklyn Youth Consortium (SBYC) in partnership with Groundswell artists.

  • A Vision of Growth

    As part of Groundswell’s Summer Leadership Institute (SLI) 2008, artists Alex Pimienta and Jessica Poplawski worked with a team of youth to create a colorful mural celebrating the people, changing communities, and future of Coney Island.

  • South Brooklyn

    “South Brooklyn” celebrates the Coney Island neighborhood of Brooklyn. Groundswell artist Bayunga Kialeuka worked with youth and administrators from the South Brooklyn Youth Consortium, a community center in Coney Island, to create a mural focused on family, community, and education.