
Showing 4 of 4 results
  • Peace Bridge

    Through Peace Bridge, youth artists transformed a pedestrian overpass connecting the Ingersoll and Whitman residential communities. Their design celebrates how the bridge connects and unifies...

  • Save A Life Safety Sign

    Groundswell and the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) designed the Traffic Safety Sign Residency Program to engage public school students in exploring traffic safety information ...

  • Utopia Express

    Utopia Express focuses on human and natural diversity, connecting elements from the urban environment with the natural world. It consists of a continuous surreal mural composed on five bricked up windows.

  • Family Totems

    “Family Totems” was created by groups of students at The Urban Assembly School of Music and Art and their parents. The parents and children studied animal symbolism and imagery at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and then created an animal symbol, or totem, to represent their families.