
Showing 16 of 373 results
  • Stop and Look Safety Sign

    Groundswell and the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) designed the Traffic Safety Sign Residency Program to engage public school students in exploring traffic safety information ...

  • Slow the Pace, Respect our Space!

    The traffic safety banner residency program, sponsored by NYC DOT Safety Education in collaboration with the Groundswell Community Mural Project, engaged New York City 6th 8th grade students in...

  • Be Aware of What’s There

    The traffic safety banner residency program, sponsored by NYC DOT Safety Education in collaboration with the Groundswell Community Mural Project, engaged New York City 6th 8th grade students in...

  • Your Rush, You Crush; Don’t Break a Family

    The traffic safety banner residency program, sponsored by NYC DOT Safety Education in collaboration with the Groundswell Community Mural Project, engaged New York City 6th 8th grade students in...

  • From the Ground Up

    During the summer of 2016, as part of Groundswell's Summer Leadership Institute (SLI) 2016, upwards of 140 teens are coming together citywide to create seven inspiring murals from July 5 to August ...

  • Reason

    In “Reason,” the final of the three projects at PS 41, three panels display instances when students are making decisions.

  • Mapping Aspirations

    Groundswell worked in collaboration with Rikers Saturday Academy to create a mural inspired by the Nelson Mandela quote: “For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

  • Powerful Beyond

    Groundswell worked in collaboration with the Passages Academy at Crossroads Juvenile Center in Brownsville, Brooklyn to develop a three-panel interior mural in the spring of 2015.

  • Transformations

    Brainstorming on the theme of transformations, the team explored the role of mythical creatures who symbolize transformation, growth, and transcendence. The youth imagined some of their own avatars, including the cheetah, butterfly, and wolf howling at the moon.

  • The Power of Flourishing Minds

    In partnership with The Trust for Public Land (TPL) and PS 15 The Roberto Clemente School campus, Groundswell inspired stewardship of the environment in youth artists through the artistic transform...

  • Wall of Reflect

    Every person in a community should be recognized for his or her contributions, but there are often not enough opportunities to reflect on the people who make a neighborhood vibrant. Through the com...

  • Respect is the Strongest Compliment

    Brought to national attention with groups such as HollaBack! and Stop Street Harassment, street harassment affects the feeling of safety many women experience on the street. The majority of wome...

  • Embodying Attachment

    For most students, spring break means relaxing at home or with friends. Instead of taking a vacation, the high school sophomores in JPMorgan Chases program, The Fellowship Initiative (TFI), used...

  • Reciprocity

    For most students, spring break means relaxing at home or with friends. Instead of taking a vacation, the high school sophomores in JPMorgan Chases program, The Fellowship Initiative (TFI), used...

  • The Success of Knowledge

    For most students, spring break means relaxing at home or with friends. Instead of taking a vacation, the high school sophomores in JPMorgan Chases program, The Fellowship Initiative (TFI), used...

  • Unbounded Steps

    For most students, spring break means relaxing at home or with friends. Instead of taking a vacation, the high school sophomores in JPMorgan Chases program, The Fellowship Initiative (TFI), used...