Groundswell Artist

Jess Poplawski

  Jessica Poplawski holds a BFA in printmaking from Pratt Institute. She has worked with Groundswell as both an artist and a staff member for over four years. A Chicago native, she is now a Brooklyn-based artist involved in the self-publishing and independent music communities in NYC.
Jess Poplawski's profile


  • Project | 2016

    Boatema (She Brings Strength)

    Created by a team of all young women, Boatema (She Brings Strength) centers around a growth and transformation narrative. Both ends of the mural have a hand holding a cracked open seed that i...
  • Project | 2015

    Keep Calm, Slow Down

    Groundswell and the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) designed the Traffic Safety Sign Residency Program to engage IS 218 public school students in exploring traffic safety infor...
  • Project | 2014

    Eat Well, Stay Active, Live Long

    Groundswell collaborated with Horizons Juvenile Detention Center and Montefiore Medical Center to develop a series of murals depicting the importance of community health, proper eating habits, and ...
  • Project | 2014

    “Urban Garden” and “Tree of Health”

    Groundswell collaborated with Horizons Juvenile Detention Center and Montefiore Medical Center to develop a series of murals depicting the importance of community health, proper eating habits, and ...
  • Project | 2015

    The Freedom Within

    Designed by a talented team of young women at the Rose M. Singer Center at Rikers Island, the mural imagines restorative futures for themselves and other women who have been or are incarcerated. To...
  • Project | 2014

    STOP LOOK WALK Safety Sign

    Fifteen seniors worked with Groundswell artist Jess Poplawski to create a traffic safety sign that addresses their concerns about safe street crossing in their neighborhood. The team worked closely...
  • Project | 2014

    Children Crossing Safety Sign

    Beginning in November of 2013, students from PS 307K in Brooklyn began discussing the issue of distracted driving and, as a result, pedestrian endangerments near their school. Students drew inspira...
  • Project | 2014

    Alert and Ready Wins the Race

    Beginning in November, students from PS 232 came together to create a new street sign to benefit the community around them and promote social change. Originally inspired by the phrase, Slow and ...
  • Project | 2013

    The Peace of Womenkind

    Groundswell was commissioned by Montefiore Medical Center to engage young women residents of Horizons Juvenile Center in the creation of two new murals for the inside of two Montefiore OB/GYN clinics.
  • Project | 2013

    Mother of All

    “Mother of All” depicts a surrealist image of a reclining mother and baby. The mother’s braids and blanket transform into an undulating quilt-like landscape with trees, cities and rivers.
  • Project | 2008

    A Vision of Growth

    As part of Groundswell’s Summer Leadership Institute (SLI) 2008, artists Alex Pimienta and Jessica Poplawski worked with a team of youth to create a colorful mural celebrating the people, changing communities, and future of Coney Island.
  • Project | 2011

    BRC Mosaic

    Through Groundswells Segue program, juvenile offenders worked with artist Jess Poplawski to create a mosaic for the entryway of Casa de los Vecinos, a transitional housing residence for individuals living with mental illness.
  • Project | 2012

    Birds of Soluna

    Birds of Soluna is an extension to a previous Groundswell mosaic installed on the outer faade of BRCs Casa de los Vecinos transitional housing residence for individuals living with mental illness.
  • Project | 2010

    The Privilege of History

    Lead Artist Bayunga Kialeuka oversaw a group of youth in the creation of The Privilege of History, a mural on two walls of Law Studies High School.
  • Project | 2009

    The Perfect Equilibrium of Nature

    "The Perfect Equilibrium of Nature" was created in partnership with Tillary Park Foundation, Councilmember Letitia James, and The Urban Assembly School of Music and Art. The goal of the project was to illustrate modern life in developing Brooklyn communities
  • Project | 2008

    Family Totems

    “Family Totems” was created by groups of students at The Urban Assembly School of Music and Art and their parents. The parents and children studied animal symbolism and imagery at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and then created an animal symbol, or totem, to represent their families.
  • Project | 2008


    Nonviolence was created in partnership with Inwood Houses Youth-for-R.E.A.L. afterschool program and the Community Change Institute. The students used a variety of media to grapple with a complex issue that directly impacts their community — violence.